HANDS ON ADJUSTMENT WITH NATALIA PAISANO This fall we are so happy to welcome Natalia Paisano to our Shala for three weekends starting Fri Oct 4 – Sun Oct 6. She will be teaching an in depth hands on adjustment course. The fourth and final occasion is in May, when the weather is nice at Mallorca. We will visit her Shala, @mysorehousemallorca in Palma.
About Natalia Paisano: she first traveled to India at the age of 18 in 1998 she found Ashtangayoga and started practicing in Mysore with Pattabhi Jois at Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute where she received her authorization in 2003. She has been teaching all over the world.
Natalia teaches with high energy and a lot of humor. The atmosphere is relaxed. Natalia is both gentle and challenging, honest and funny and always works with a twinkle in her eye. No weirdness and no fuss – full power.
Four Occasions
– 1) Fri 4 – Sun 6 Oct, Ashtanga Yoga Shala, Malmö
– 2) Fri 1 – Sun 3 Nov, Ashtanga Yoga Shala, Malmö
– 3) Fri 6 – Sun 8 Dec, Ashtanga Yoga Shala, Malmö
– 4) Thurs – Sun in May, Mysore House Mallorca, Palma (dates to be announced soon)
06.00-10.00 Mysore
10.30-12.00 Anatomy
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-17.00 Hands on adjustments

To be accepted, we like you to have completed a minimum of two 2 years consistent and dedicated
Ashtanga yoga practice under the guidance of qualified Ashtanga yoga teacher(s)
Program Ashtanga, asana and teaching, by Natalia Paisano - Sanscrit count - Asana names and their meaning - Correct vinyasa - Drishti - Hands on adjustment - Modifications - Benefits Anatomy, by Sara Alenius (fd Björs) Save your spot by paying a deposit of SEK 2500:- Pay in installments before each weekend: Weekend 1: SEK 5000:- Weekend 2: SEK 5000:- Weekend 3: SEK 5000:- Weekend 4: SEK 5000:- Or choose the full amount of SEK 20000:- Price for all four occasions all together: SEK 22500:- Questions to Åsa Hermansson at asa.hermansson@astangashala.se

Workshop Sept Thurs 19 – Sun 22 2024
If a workshop suits you better, Natalia also gives a four day Workshop at Johannes Lundgrens Shala Mysore Malmö at Henrik Smithsgatan 1 (crossroads Bergsgatan/Föreningsgatan)
Please read more and book at: https://www.mysoremalmo.se/kurser